DOES IT NOT REALLY BOTHER YOU THAT THE ABNORMAL THINGS HAVE BECOME THE NORMAL THINGS IN OUR SOCIETY? Sunday John The situation of things in the country is gradually tilting and drifting into a direction that can erupt into a state of anarchy anytime soon and yet we are all comfortably sitting down and watching and hoping for a better tomorrow and better days ahead . It didn't really get this bad in Tunisia before that young man (The vegetables seller) after all his efforts to get back his seized wheel barrow from their task force (same way they exercise their excesses here ) proved abortive; went to the nearest petrol station, bought fuel, poured it on his body, lit up himself and that marked the beginning of revolution that got the then president (Ben Alli) ousted out of office. Can anyone really initiate such here? and if anyone does would others be ready to ta...
Jean Adams, a French footballer, has been in coma for 37years (since 17th March, 1982) - due to a mistake his doctor made while putting him to sleep for a surgery to repair a torn ligament. His wife Bernadette, who he married in 1969 still stays by his bed till today. A story of love. Of pain. Of tears. Sometimes you think of life and you just wonder what is the point of it all. Someone can be hale and hearty- with the world literally at their feet today- and tomorrow they are dead, or in coma or in some serious illness that completely changes their lives forever. The interesting but sad part to this story is the said doctor and his colleague only went to jail for a month and was fined about 815 dollars. That’s all. For an error that has cost a man his entire life, cost his family a father and a husband and cost the world a great athlete. I ran into the story this morning- and it really just broke my heart. The wife tends for him, look after him, feed him and with the hel...